Al-Zahra Islamic Center Jacksonville is a non-profit organization that culminated to serve the advancements of Shia Muslims in Jacksonville Florida. Our Core Values – Knowledge | Faith | Integrity | Unity | Diversity | Collaboration | Progress
Our Mission- We are a religious organization, We impart the teachings of Allah brought to us through the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet and his infallible household while adhering to the laws of the land in Jacksonville Florida. At the same time, we as Shia Muslims in Jacksonville and surrounding areas would like to see our community to be vibrant, communicative, collaborative, participating and be useful citizens.
Use the links below to make donations to the specified funds. Please add 3.5% to the amount to cover Paypal fees. Note: Khums and Zakat-e-Fitr cannot be collected online. Please make these payments in person to any of the board members at the center or mail us checks payable to “AlZahra Islamic Center”. Do not forget to add the purpose of payments on the checks.
Use the links below to make donations to the specified funds